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"Our vision is to see our children become educated, confident, successful young adults who have the tools and desire to play a positive role in the future of South Africa and the world."

The Dukathole Scholarship Fund identifies, at a very early age, academically talented children living in some of the most impoverished areas of greater Johannesburg. Our vision is to see our children become educated, confident, successful young adults who have the tools and desire to play a positive role in the future of South Africa and the world. 


Founded in 2006 as a result of one young man's high school project to deliver toys to orphanages, DSF has grown to a mature program which provides its scholars not only full tuition and housing at top boarding schools, but also clothing, nutrition, health care and cultural experiences. In addition the fund supports area nursery schools and a homework centre in the area where these children call home.


To date, DSF has raised over USD 500,000 to ensure these exceptional children have the same opportunities and learning experiences many of us take for granted.  Our goal is to see our scholars through adulthood, so they will be culturally and academically equipped to make a difference in the lives of future generations.


Huffington covers Dukathole


Huffington Post editor Connor Magill gives the public some insight into the harsh reality of living in Dukathole in this mini documentary, created in 2015.

We believe education is the most sustainable, effective, and efficient means of confronting the HIV/AIDS crisis effecting children living in impoverished areas of the world.  This is especially true of those who have been orphaned or made vulnerable by the epidemic.  The Dukathole Scholarship Fund provides the educational funding and cultural experiences necessary to help these children escape the low-wage, unstable and exploitive labor that would certainly be their future.  Instead, we strive to help our students become young adults who have enhanced employment opportunities, strong ties to their community, and improved self-esteem.

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